Is Naptural Oasis Made from All Natural Ingredients?
Yes! All formulas for Naptural Oasis have been curated by J. Arrington, Naptural Oasis CEO/Owner. Each ingredient in each product was handpicked for its unique individual properties and combined in ways that maximize the benefit to your hair, skin and scalp. It was and still is very important our customers to be able to read our ingredients label and recognize and be able to easily pronounce each item on the list. Lastly, in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint, we use ingredients that won’t harm the environment or negatively effect our water system.
2. Do these products actually grow your hair faster?
Yes, they do! Naptural Oasis products help your hair to grow “faster” in two different ways.
They promote a healthy scalp environment. In order for your hair to flourish coming out of your scalp, your scalp should be kept clean and free from buildup or fungus. There also several ayurvedic and essential oils in our formulations that are clinically proven to stimulate increased blood flow to the scalp—Effectively contributing to accelerated hair growth.
All of our products are formulated to maximize your hair’s ability to retain moisture. This will lead to stronger hair strands and minimize breakage—thus leading to your hair reaching or exceeding its growth potential year over year.
3. Will your Products Get Rid of my Split ends?
Nope! Honestly speaking, there isn’t a product on the market that can repair a split hair strand. Your hair splitting is identical to taking a piece of paper and splitting it—you can apply tape, staples, elmers glue, Gorilla glue, whatever you want to try and repair it. Although you can reattach it to the original piece of paper, it will never be the same again. Eventually, you’ll have to cut above the torn section for your piece of paper to look nice again. Best practice is to not delay the inevitable; if you have a split end, CUT IT.